Events & Newsletters


Greensboro Natural Resource Inventory:

In 2019, Greensboro Land Trust commissioned Jesse Mohr, consulting ecologist, to prepare a phase 1 natural resource inventory of Greensboro.

Click (at left) to view the PDF report. (right-click to download)

See below for individual resource maps.

Videos of recent GLT presentations:

2014 – Hike on ex-Stegner property:
Documents of interest to participants in July 2014 hike on ex-Stegner property in Northeast Greensboro, sponsored by Greensboro Land Trust, Greensboro Conservation Commission and Northern Rivers Land Trust.
(Click on map below to open PDF)

For further information contact:
John Cannon, chair, at 802-533-7122, or
Clive Gray, vice-chair, at 802-533-2609 (Oct-May) or 802-533-7723 (June-Sep)
Greensboro Land Trust, Box 135, Greensboro, VT 05841